Torah Day School of Atlanta Home

TDSA is a link in Jewish continuity and a vital fiber of the fabric of the Atlanta Jewish community.

At Torah Day School of Atlanta,

children receive a strong Torah and a robust General Studies education in a warm and nurturing environment. They graduate with a passion for learning, a love of mitzvos and chesed, and a strong connection to Eretz Yisrael. 
Girl holding her first chumash
Two girls wrap yarn around pipe cleaner hearts.

We Heart Fiber Art

Second grade girls are hard at work finishing up their fiber art hearts. They shaped pipe cleaners into hearts and are not completing the challenging task of weaving yarn into beautiful designs and patterns around their hearts.
A group of boys dance in a flash mob in the gym.

Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan Fun

The lower school boys and girls had a blast dancing and singing together in honor of Rosh Chodesh this past Friday.
Two middle school girls students complete a challenge together

Terrific Team Building

Middle Schoolers had a blast participating in teambuilding activities during this week's advisory.
Girls hold up letter clues revealing the start of the Big Sister Little Sister Program

Sister Sister

Using a fun life-sized game of Clue, Middle School Girls broke out their Big Sister-Little Sister program. Now the "Little Sisters" need to unlock the mystery of who their "Big Sisters" are using hints their sisters will be leaving them throughout the week.
3 girls test water at Lake Lanier

Learning on Lake Lanier

Fifth Grade boys and girls took an educational and fun trip to Lake Lanier to do experiments on and with the water.
Fourth grade boys discussing a book in a group

Reading Centers in Action

Fourth Graders delved into the characteristics of King Mildred in the book "The Dragonslayers" by Bruce Coville during their reading centers.
A group of boys work on their balloon car.

Middle School Advisory Teambuilding

Team-building, ingenuity, and fun took center stage at today's Middle School Advisory for both boys and girls. It was amazing seeing students play games and participate in challenges that required creative thinking and working together. The boys here were asked to make a car that propels using a set of household materials and no instructions. It was great to see the engineering and bonding required as they attempted to be successful.
Boys participate in Mishnah Madness Jr. standing upfront of Judaic books in a library

Mishnah Madness Jr.

Yes, this pic was taken on Sunday. Yes, this pic was taken outside of school. Yes, this pic deserves a place in this week's window!
Boys looking up at eclipse


Look how enthralled these boys are! And who wouldn't be?!?! The last time this happened they were 6 years old. Now they had the benefit of understanding what they are witnessing since they learned all about eclipses in science class.
Calendar with pin on it

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