In the ongoing effort to promote a safe space where children are comfortable and ready to learn, social and emotional learning (SEL) is taught in tandem with academics. Using the Second Step® SEL program helps students nurture positive relationships, manage emotions, and set goals so they can thrive in school and in life.
SEL teachers lead kindergarten through fifth grade students weekly in hands-on age-appropriate practices to develop greater self-awareness and hone skills for self-management, social awareness, communicating, relationship-building, and responsible decision-making.
SEL counselors work with middle school students helping them navigate adolescent academic and social challenges during informal meetings during lunch, recess, or one-on-one meetings. Classroom teachers also oversee the middle school advisory program with fun and educational activities
If necessary, the school has several reflection centers and a sensory path where students can pause, reflect, and plan how they can prepare to return to class ready to learn.

Positive character traits and good middos like active listening, empathy, and showing respect are often tied to behaviors learned through stories about our matriarchs, patriarchs, and gedolim and are modeled by faculty and staff.