Ruach. That feeling that is hard to articulate permeates the school.
Students in kindergarten through grade 4 have weekly assemblies in preparation for Shabbos. In addition to singing, discussing parshas hashavua, and what we can learn from it, there are also nachas shoutouts recognizing students who should feel proud of a special action, chesed, or mitzvah they did or obstacle they overcame that week.
Rosh Chodesh is celebrated monthly by all grades with dancing and song. The Tishrei Mitzvah Fair, Creative Menorah Contest, Purim Carnival, Grade 5 Run Day on Lag BaOmer, class trips, and shabbatonim are some other examples where school spirit, familiarity, connections, and excitement with each chag, it's mitzvos, theme, and lessons are built.
Ruach Program annual themes have included Kavod - respecting others, oneself, and all things and Koach HaDibur - the power speech.