The TDSA Core Values Are:
CORE Values textCARE about myself and others.
Everyone is valued as we are each created b’tzelem Elokim. Therefore, each student is expected to act in a physically and emotionally safe manner and to show respect for themselves, their classmates, the adults in the school, and the learning environment. 

ENGAGE in the learning experience.
Genuine growth and achievement occur while utilizing a growth mindset and demonstrating resilience.  Students are encouraged to approach activities with a positive attitude, a willingness to try something new or challenging, and a commitment to see it through even when roadblocks get in the way.  Responsibility (taking ownership) and perseverance are key middos necessary for engaging in a way that leads to growth and achievement.  
CONTRIBUTE to the school community.
Students recognize everything is a gift from Hashem and every one is unique; students see the effort it takes for someone to do something and continuously encourage and applaud classmates. Together we benefit from each other's skills and strengths because when they are intermeshed we produce a better stronger community - our achdus is unbreakable.
We hope everyone comes to school ready to listen, think, learn, contribute, and act with derech eretz.