Girls holding sign

TDSA uses a literature-based approach which encompasses fiction, non-fiction, poetry, short stories, and plays. Content is used as the springboard for focused skill instruction in the areas of written expression, grammar, and comprehension. The Six-Trait approach to teaching writing is used throughout the grades.

Middle school students use a web-based instructional writing tool that helps them plan, write and revise their writing guided by instant diagnostic feedback. Grammar, punctuation, speaking, listening, presenting, writing, editing, researching and offering supporting facts and ideas are built upon year after year.

When students learn to communicate respectfully and clearly and express themselves they build relationships and are ready to go out into the world. 
Girls show marketing project incorporating math, middos, creativity, and how they affect real life.MATH

TDSA makes math visual and fun by utilizing the Tang Method, a systematic yet streamlined approach that uses visual models to make sense of concepts, with cleverly designed problems, games, and puzzles to generalize concepts and develop fluency.
Students are challenged with creative and engaging materials from fundamental counting skills in kindergarten to challenging word problems in fifth grade. Unlike conventional textbooks and programs, Tang Math gives teachers the tools they need to differentiate instruction and meet the needs of every student. 

The TDSA math program is aligned with both the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and the new Common Core math standards.  The curriculum materials include a wealth of resources to support instruction, such as differentiated learning centers, hands-on manipulatives, and multiple online interactive practice options. There is a strong emphasis on critical thinking, problem solving, and real-life applications. In middle school, we have multiple sections and smaller classes to best meet the individual needs of our students.

Math in first grade includes charts, data collecting, flashcards, and most importantly, teamwork! Fourth graders studied marketing, pricing, consumer feedback, etc. for their economic marketplace event.
Boys on a boat doing experimentSCIENCE
TDSA science classes embrace a hands-on discovery-based approach appealing to students’ sense of curiosity and wonder about the natural world.

Students use problem-solving strategies to investigate and understand the natural world; they develop an understanding of key concepts and principles central to the biological, physical, and earth sciences; they learn safe methods for scientific investigations; and they learn to apply creative thinking and scientific knowledge in their everyday lives.

The middle school science program features interactive textbooks and three pathways to learning: inquiry, reading, and digital. Students’ interests are piqued as they learn about the living world including animals and life-cycles, space, inanimate objects, the food chain, light, sound, motion, force, and so much more.

Many connections are made to Breishis/creation, making olive oil and seeing it burn, building things like Yaakov’s ladder, and the beloved petting zoo in connection with Parshas Noach!
Girls dramatazing Boston Masaccre Trial

TDSA students learn about geography, history, government, economics, and civic responsibility. Students develop an awareness of and concern for the ways that the world’s people, resources, and environments are interrelated and interdependent.

Students are encouraged to use their knowledge and skills to understand and address contemporary problems and issues. They think about how they can contribute to their community, early on to their families and classes, then expanding out as citizens of the world.These lessons support the lessons we teach abuot middot tovot and everyone's responsibility to the world at large.

Girls in tech


Technology is used to enhance and support instruction in all subject areas. There is a strong emphasis on 21st Century Learning Skills: Collaboration, Creativity, Communication, and Critical Thinking.

In addition to a computer lab, TDSA has mobile labs containing class sets of laptops, iPads, and iPod Touches. Students learn to use technology tools to gain information, enhance communication skills, and to develop the technology skills necessary to be successful in today’s world.

Our Digital Citizenship Project frames all use of technology as it guides students to engage respectfully and responsibly with the digital world.