Teachers transcend the curriculum by creating engaging experiences beyond the classroom, individualized care and attention, chessed, and leadership opportunities.
In a joint effort, the school was transformed into a Kavod Museum. Each student created something to illustrate the importance of respect including Kavod HaMakom (respecting God), Kavod HaBrios (respecting life including people, animals, and their feelings), and respecting places and things especially those that are shared. Some ideas shared included:
  • Mount Sinai taught us a lesson because it was the lowest and most humble. It is written, “He who is humble will gain honor.”
  • The model of a Shabbos table represents how we can show kavod to Shabbos by making a special meal.
  • This goblet represents someone else’s feelings. It is both beautiful and fragile…handle with care.
Middos tovos and skills are honed when seventh grade girls plan, organize, procure donated prizes, sell tickets, and run the annual Chasdei Yad Auction. They work hard for no personal gain but their acts of chesed result in a fun time for participants and the money they raise helps the poor.
“My husband was on a business trip and my son was struggling with his Gemara lessons. His Rebbe knocked on our door ready to help my son prepare for the test."
Students take on extra learning, mitzvos, and/or tefilos to provide protection for Israel and all of Klal Yisroel as they build a "mitzvah dome".  They write down their good deeds and we use the note to form the dome.  Some examples include: "visiting an elderly neighbor", "benching out loud from a bencher", and "setting the table for Shabbos".